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Valora Fetish
Valora Fetish
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8/30/20 12:00 AM15 min1121 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR


You're a young guy so you're still getting used to the bar scene. You go out tonight and you meet a beautiful, older woman named Valora. She asks if you'd like to go back to her place and of course you take her up on the offer. You two start kissing at her house and she ties you to the bed. She tells you that she's going to the other room to get something. You're expecting a sexy, kinky night but instead she comes in with a pink bag. 

Valora climbs up on top of you and explains that there comes a time in a woman's life when her biological clock goes off. Valora's is going crazy but she doesn't want to give-birth so she's decided to adopt...YOU! Her demeanor changes to that of a sweet baby-talking step-mommy. You're so creeped out but you can't escape her. She shows off her big bag of items for her new-baby. A ba ba, baby-food, a rattle, and finally step-mommy Valora gets to her favorite part, the diapies!! 

She picked these ones out for you because they have a bashful little zebra printed on them and she knew you'd be bashful too. It's okay, step-mommy's here. But it's time for step-mommy's little man to put on his first of many diapers. You feel the small diaper get pinned around your waist as step-mommy coos and coddles you. Cheer up, You may not have gotten what you were expecting but maybe you got just want you need, a step-mommy!


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