Wild Lessi
She's starting of with some mellow breath holds in the bathtub, enjoying the warm water surrounding her beautiful pale body and face…
She starts to push… push… PUSH her breath holds and you can tell she's getting really exhausted…
In her final breath hold, AFTER CLOSE TO 5 MINUTES WITHOIT BREATHING, she fianlly inhales a whoooooooole lot of water!!! She keeps breathing underwater, till she gets slower, slower sloooower
10+min of total UW time in a single breath hold but it doesn' end well for her :////
You are hereby notified that the stunts and tricks displayed in this video are performed by professionals in controlled environments and under supervision. All models are at any time able and allowed to discontinue breathplay/breath holding during a take. Do not attempt to duplicate, re-create, or perform the same or similar stunts and tricks at home, as personal injury may result. The producer of this video is not responsible for any such injury or damage.
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