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Freedivers_275 Breathold Pleasure

9/17/21 6:20 PM27 min1958 MBmp41080p
Price26.49 EUR


This clip was created about a month ago. My condition was pretty bad at the time. Right after the dive, I felt like I didn't have air. The first dive lasted 50 seconds and I had contractions almost all the time.

Peter wanted to film my breath holding and I had to do what he wanted. It was quite difficult.

After a while, I noticed that Peter had an erection. From that moment on, I started to have a good time. I provoked him. I stopped thinking about the breath and focused only on it. (I never get tired of his cock. I'm happy to take care of him.) Peter had a nice orgasm and I had the opportunity to see some beautiful sperm clippings.



More underwater Freedivers clips.

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