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Freedivers_307 Latex Freedive Masturbation

3/10/23 1:45 AM20 min1448 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR


Peter really wanted me to take my white fins to the pool. I tried to argue that it was stupid, but he insisted on his request. To his delight, I took the fins, but I felt ridiculous. Fins could not be used in such a small pool. I had to laugh at myself. After a while, I understood his request. Those fingertips were so sexy that I wanted to kiss them too. It's a pity I'm not more flexible. I would kiss my own feet.

For my pleasure, I wore a latex catsuit. I like a thin layer on my body. I really wish the wetsuits were so thin. It would be great to dive in the sea in latex. I would lie a few meters below the surface and the divers would satisfy me.

I wish it didn't just happen in my imagination.



More underwater Freedivers clips.

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