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No rest from the edge! Keeping you stupid and vulnerable!

1/22/23 12:36 PM11 min229 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR
CategoryMind Fuck


Why would I ever encourage you to stop this sexy edging cycle, that I've manipulated you in too!?
Why would I let you cum, when I can keep you stupid and desperate to please me!?
Why would I break the mesmerising spell, I hold over your dumb submissive brain!?
You're so vulnerable this way.
Why would I ever want you to be rational?
Why would I ever want you to think?
Embrace the prolonged pleasure, as I continue fucking your stupid man brain!
Stay stupid as I train your impressionable slave cock to throb over my manipulation..
Become a true Jasmine Junkie as I take you deeper into addiction with every edge!

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