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Seven days of worship challenge! You will sacrafice for me! Jasmines Birhday Edge!

3/1/23 4:56 PM10 min217 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR
CategoryEdging Games


To celebrate my birthday on the 7th of March, I have very kindly created a seven day worship and edge challenge!

This challenge is for my most devoted only!
You will prove to me how dedicated you are by sacrificing your orgasm, for seven sexy days!
I am going to use your weaknesses to bring you the most intense, edging experience you have ever had!
I am going to encourage the brain juice to leak from your cock on a daily basis.
I want your slave balls full and your mind empty of rational thoughts!
As you wank over my heavy cleavage I will manipulate your vulnerable mind, with subliminal messaging, to ensure I get the most prosperous birthday to date!
You edge, is my pleasure!

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