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Tickle Therapy - Skullcandy Bri 2

5/10/24 11:51 PM18 min1987 MBmov1080p
Price16.99 EUR
Related CategoriesBondage,Straitjacket


Holy hell of all things squirmy. Bri is in the chair for some therapy, and it’s time to introduce her to the machines. 

First of all, let me just pause and say what an amazing model Bri is. She’s gorgeous, her feet are sublime, and she’s got fantastic reactions and a GREAT laugh. The banter between her and Derek is amazing, 10/10 they are so much fun to watch together. I laughed along with them while watching this clip.

Secondly, Derek is such a fantastic Ler that I actually tensed so hard while watching him tickle her calves, I gave myself a leg cramp. No joke, was laughing and crying while watching him take her apart piece by piece. Then he told her to tell him where to go (TTC: 13:15) and I snurfed all over the place (and yes that is the technical term for holding in a snort).

All in all, this is a must see clip, highly recommend. You won’t be sorry for clicking that button, I promise!

Bee kinky, Bee kind,

Honey Kinkade

Author | Model | Switch

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