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Tickle Therapy - MJ vs Sunnie

12/15/24 9:19 PM14 min1585 MBmov1080p
Price14.99 EUR


Someone asked Santa (no, really - I was asked by a customer on social media) if Santa would grant f/f with these two and I said sure why not; it's the season of giving!

So with Sunnie restrained in the therapy chair, and pro tickler MJ at the helm, I backed off and let her go to town.

What did she do? Well, lickling. A LOT of lickling. Does she have a foot fetish we weren't aware of? Regardless,? now we know, and Sunnie surely knows! 

MJ clearly enjoys what she does, coaxing all manner of giggles out of Sunnie's throat, using her tongue, fingers, and array of tools, and her tongue. Did I mention her tongue?

Yes, sock guys, the clip begins with  a white socked Sunnie, before MJ peels them off with teasing tugs.

It was hard for me to hold back, I get so bored just watching and filming, but I managed! 

So here it is, a full f/f ticking clip with two of the best!

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