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Out of Your League

7/20/23 5:28 PM10 min321 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryFemdom Pov


You're so weak for women who are out of your league. Especially the ones who look down their noses at you. Especially for me!

I mystify and seduce you just with the sound of my voice and my glistening golden skin, my big brown eyes and gorgeous curly hair. I control you so effortlessly turning your brain to mush.

And you just can't get enough of it! You can't get enough of giving all that you are to me despite me verbally humiliating you and straight up telling you I'm going to chew you up and spit you out.

I'm out of your league and you love it! I'm going to squeeze every last drop out of you and you're going to keep on coming back for more!

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