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You're Still Just This

11/29/23 3:54 PM12 min469 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryFemdom Pov


I am going to trigger every switch in that silly head of yours because I love making you a vulnerable boy for me. So weak, so desperate.

You've always been this. There's been times you've tried to deny it but you have always been submissive to women and loved being used and humiliated.

One things for sure - you will never watch another Femdom humiliation clip that's going to get at you like this one will. All your normal desires will be rewritten and removed more and more by your need for being controlled, bullied and dominated by me.

And the further you go, the more that I might like you. After all - my kink is humiliation too. Humiliating YOU!

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