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Toxic Girlfriend

8/14/24 9:58 AM24 min947 MBmp41080p
Price23.99 EUR


You will never notice the extent of my control, manipulation, gaslighting and how sadistic I am until it's too late. Not until I've isolated you from all your friends, used you up, burnt out your self-esteem over time and then this relationship will be inescapable.

Not that you will think of it like that. Not that you will think it's inescapable. You will instead think that you need me and that you're so lucky that *I* want you because when you look at who you are and where you are now in life, it's humiliating and embarrassing to even consider trying to get back into the dating pool.

Even if you did try to leave or tell your friends that I'm unreasonable and controlling, they will think you're a liar! Because you see... just how deceptive I am doesn't just affect you. No, no! I have everyone else wrapped around my little finger too.

This is the perfect relationship (it's all on MY terms so of course it's perfect) and I'm going to mindfuck you, reprogramme you and train you little by little into nothing more than a people pleasing "yes man" and all the while, you will adore me, love me and be so thankful I'm in your life.

You'll never spot the red flags. Not until it's too late! And by that point I'll make you believe it's all your fault and what you wanted anyway.

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