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Manipulated Into A Gooner Boyfriend

2/13/25 8:10 PM12 min341 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


I know you'll do anything for me sweetie but the way that you can't keep up with my sex drive is something we're going to need to talk about.

Am I breaking up with you?

Awww no! No darling not at all! We're going to fix this and by that I mean I'm going to fix YOU! All you need to do is become a goner.

Do you know what gooning is? You'll love it! You'll get to watch all the porn that you want and I will get to have all the multiple orgasms that I need without you tapping out ever again.

What's the catch? It sounds too good to be true? Oh come on baby don't sound so skeptical! Trust me! Just get your horny cock out of your pants and I'll tell you everything that you need to know.

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