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Virgin University Lesson 3 - Orgasm Control Makes For Better Virgin Pets

9/1/24 11:39 AM20 min581 MBmp41080p
Price18.99 EUR


When you think of orgasm control it is orgasm denial that's usually the first thing that comes to mind HOWEVER that is NOT just denial. It's all of it! It's edging, its denial, its being a premature ejaculation loser, it's cumming on command - it's all of it.

In this lesson of Virgin University you will learn why controlling your orgasms is extremely important to becoming one of my best Virgin Pets. Through orgasm control you will increase your productivity and you will increase how long I want to have you around. Remember - you ARE replaceable and we don't want that to happen now do we?

You should be familiar with this now that there will be a Test at the end of your lesson. As always - custom made and specific to this class attendance.

Get comfy and get ready because class is in!

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