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Southern Giantess
Southern Giantess
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Shrink Exploratory Expedition!

2/11/24 6:00 AM21 min3130 MBmp44k
Price14.49 EUR


Daisey's class is working on a shrink exploratory expedition at Daisey's house today, Daisey was assigned to make sure everyone got upstairs safely and was able to be collected safely at the end of the trip! But due to Daisey being super shy, she left the group prematurely. Now Daisey is stuck and has no idea what to do because she cant get her whole class back to regular size! Grayson has came over to her BFF house and see's all these tiny figures laying around! She completely mistakes Daisey's class for her little brothers toys he has left laying around! Grayson has no idea its Daisey's shrunken class! She gathers them up and swipes them all into a bowl. Grayson then scatters them all around the kitchen floor. Grayson has an idea she decides to make a giant video, not knowing they are all tiny and alive! Grayson thinks this giant video shes going to make is going to sell! Daisey walks in and see's her class on the floor but doesn't say a ward as she steps on some, They chat back and fourth a little, Daisey is telling her its a struggle dealing with her class. Grayson tells her about the giant video shes making and Daisey wants to join in! Watch what Grayson and Daisey do for a great giant video! MP4-VR 360

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