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purple chair sovereignty

1/11/22 6:40 PM6 min761 MBmp41440p
Price150.99 EUR


Paths of Preeminence Untrodden


In this Jurisdiction, the dominance of Lady M. In other words. The Supreme Power.
Will rule over the descendants of the former supremacy. With absolute Controle.
All will worship and submit.
This is her property, you better feel privileged to even just be here. Let alone walk around here.
This is my Empire, my Field, my Jurisdiction, my country, my district, my realm, my harem, my territory, . It's fucking MINE
And today I command you to buy this clip, or you'll be doomed for life.
Because you won't have this clip.
Once your on MY stomping grounds, you're gonna pay me commission for my regimentation.

Welcome to my Totalitarian system of controle. (Aka. Groundzerozero)

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