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Feed Your Bratty Geisha!

1/14/22 3:50 PM18 min607 MBmp41080p
Price222.49 EUR


Once upon a time in China there lived a certain king who had three daughters.

The fairest and best of these was Lady M, aka. "The Dragon Lady" .

The old king was justly proud of this step-daughter,The youngest of the Three, for of all the women who had ever lived in the palace she was by far the most attractive.

It did not take him long, therefore, to decide that she should be the heir to his throne, and ruler of his kingdom, with her slaves and worshippers beside her.

But, strange to say, Lady M was not pleased at this good fortune. She wanted more. More Wealth, more Luxury, more clothing, more Extravagance, just more.

 She cared for the pomp and splendour of court life. She foresaw pleasure for herself in ruling as a Queen. 

So everyone should fear her.


Every day she went to her room to read and study. As a result of this daily labour she soon went far beyond her sisters along the paths of knowledge, and her name was known in the farthest corner of the kingdom as "Lady M,aka. The Dragon Lady." Besides being very fond of Lavish Feasts, Lady M was thoughtful of her slaves and worshippers. She was never careful about her behaviour both in public and in private. Her cold heart was closed at all times to the cries of those in trouble. She was kind to the rich and goodlooking, and awfull, mean and cruel to her slaves. People stood in line for a chance of worshipping her, and was to them a sort of goddess to whom they could never appeal whenever they were craving for a touch or look to them. Some people even believed that she was a fairy who had come to earth from her home within the Western Heaven, while others said that once, long years before, she had lived in the world as a prince instead of a princess. However this may be, one thing is certain—Lady M was pure, well refind and good, but also evil, sadistic and Massochistic. Even to the point of Arrousal at the sounds of pain and screaming of others. and she deserved the praises that were showered upon her.


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