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Ssbbw Emma
Ssbbw Emma
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Bumping Bellies With Summer Marshmallow

10/7/24 8:47 PM9 min931 MBmp41080p
Price10.99 EUR
CategoryBBW - Ssbbw


I love bumping bellies with fatties who are my size because the collision of big fat bellies is my favorite feeling! Then you have Summer Marshmallow, who is an actual marshmallow. She’s SO soft. I think she has the softest fat I’ve ever felt on someone. Having that slam into my belly was so hot. It’s like when I would pull away from her, her belly wasn’t done slamming into mine because her fat is so soft it took slightly longer to collide fully. You just gotta see this for yourself. I can’t wait to bump bellies with her again so soon.
This video includes: Belly bumping, jiggling, and lots of fat chat 

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