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Princess Nathalia
Princess Nathalia
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Cinderellas Belly Expansion Transformation

10/23/24 9:09 PM17 min2802 MBmp44k
Price17.49 EUR


Cinderella has grown tired of being skinny princess. She wants a big belly, with big boos! She buys a drink that promises this to her! Cinderella chugs the drink and before she knows it, her body begins to contort. Her belly grows ten times in size and her boobs follow! Cinderella can’t help but enjoy her new body, she pulls up her dress, gets in bed and pleasures herself while feeling her new belly and breasts. After an orgasm, she wants more. Her mouth is watering for something… something alive. Cinderella finds you, one of her butlers and orders you to jack off for her new belly, all while describing what she’s going to do to you. Unclenching her jaw, opening wide and swallowing you whole. But first, allowing you to cum for her. 
I guess her belly potion also came with a Vore fetish. 

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