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Princess Nathalia
Princess Nathalia
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Digesting Your Wife and Then You with Nathalia

2/2/25 11:16 PM16 min2609 MBmp44k
Price15.49 EUR


Nathalia has captured you and your wife. Unfortunately your wife was first to be devoured while you’re kept and made to watch the progression of her digestion. The first day, Nathalia belly is giant, she allows you to listen to your trapped wife screaming from inside of her. Reminding you that you’ll soon be next. The second day, Nathalias belly isn’t as bloated, your wife is almost digested fully and Nathalia is starting to get hungry. Ready to be filled again. On day three, Nathalias stomach is flat and growling. She craves one thing. Another meal to satisfy her nd unfortunately you are that meal. Nathalia gets you very comfortable with licking and belly talk before tilting her head back and swallowing you whole. 

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