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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Scraping my white tongue for the first time - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa

8/4/23 12:00 PM7 min0 MBmp41080p
Price6.99 EUR
CategoryBad Breath


"Hi guys, Vanessa here,

So... I've been wanting to experiment using a tongue scraper since forever and today was finally the day! I collected all the spit and white crust on my tongue as a souvenir in a container. Made me super horny tbh... Just smelling it myself. Such a sour scent. Disgusting and amazing at the same time! I now know why Lalo's so obsessed with my morning breath lol. I recorded this first thing in the morning and I've had quite a few days off brushing my teeth. My tongue hasn't been brushed in like... forever? ;) I've been trying to keep my oral hygiene at a minimum just because of how much ya'll like my bad breath. 

I'll save this container for the future, I know it'll "cum" in hand ahah pun intended ;)"

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii. MP4.

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