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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Bad breath co-worker revenge - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa

3/20/24 12:00 PM7 min823 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR
CategoryBad Breath


Vanessa works at a computer company. But it hasn't been going well - a colleague has been teasing her and has been spreading rumors about her: he says her breath smells bad to her colleagues!

Vanessa knows she has to shut him urgently or her chances of promotion are slim! So, she decides on a revenge plan to ensure that her colleague NEVER talks about her behind her back again. It's going to teach him a lesson: he spends his life making fun of her breath and her white tongue, so it's time to make sure he NEVER bothers her again - and she knows her breath is her most powerful weapon of all!

She will drool on him, spit on him, cover him in her drool... her white plaque will remain on his nose for ages, and not even if he washes his face will he be able to get rid of the nauseating smell of Vanessa's breath!! He will learn to never talk about it again, so as not to suffer the consequences again...

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii. 3rd person footage. MP4.

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