Serleena vore | MIB II scene part II - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa (custom clip)
"So the original movie was pg-13.I wanted to see a scene recreation that has more sexual content and profanity. This will be similar to previous version but longer and more explict. You can record it in the same way with greenscreen, but don't use footage and sounds from the movie.
- Make as little cuts as possible like in the original scene from the movie.
- Make the action fast without unnecessary fillers.
- Add no music.
- Recreate the catalog photo.
- Vanessa can do some of the sounds herself like roaring, slurping and gulping when she eats the mugger.Then you could mix them with some gruesome sounds like bone breaking.
- When she changes her clothes, she keeps the mugger's jacket.
- Try to put the camera farer than before so we could see more of her body.
Scene 1 "Snack in the park"
A mugger is looking for money in a stolen purse. He notices Vanessa standing alone.
We see a pan up from her feet to her head. Suddenly a mugger grabs her.
Lalo: Be quiet, slut, or I'll fuck up your face. - He kisses her with visible tongue while she moans - Ummm.. You are one tasty snack. - She heavly moans with disguist.
He drags her to a nearby bush.
Lalo: Hey, what the fuck!? She roars.
Suddenly his legs emerge from the bush. His pants are lowered so we see his butt. His scream gets more squeaky and pathetic with each second. After about 10 seconds his legs get sucked down and she lets out loud gulp.
Vanessa: Ummm.. Yeah... You you too, idiot. In a seductive way.
She comes out of the bush loudly and revenously licking her fingers with visible saliva and stops infront of the catalog.
We see a closeup of the photo from the catalog.Then we see a pan up from her belly to her face while she's tapping her fingers.
Vanessa: Hmmm...
She comes back to the bush and comes out carrying his jacket but still having the belly. She walks away from the crime scene.
We see her from behind as she is walking deeper in to the park.
Scene 2 "In the alleyway"
Now she is in a dark alleyway. She has the same lingerie but she's also wearing the jacket and her belly is still big.
She takes the wallet from one of the pockets. We see a closeup of her hands holding an empty wallet.
She tosses the wallet away and pokes her belly with one finger.
Vanessa: What a beta male you are. Disgusting attitude, small dick and no money. Nobody will miss you. Nobody will look for you. Not even Men In Black.
She looks around and sees a poster on a wall with her photo but in full clothing.We see a closeup of the photo and then cut to her wearing the same clothes.
Vanessa: I had to provide clothes for myself because you're not a good provider. You're just a snack.
She pokes her belly again.
Vanessa: Believe me, It's better this way. You shouldn't pass on your beta genes so there won't be more idiots like you.
She laughs and walks away."
Custom clip, no names mentioned. First video can be found here
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