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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Serleena vore | MIB II scene - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa

12/9/24 5:00 PM5 min431 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR


""Vanessa Devours the Mugger" We see a pan up from her feet to her head while she stands in one place in front of a catalog with her photo.Suddenly a mugger grabs her from behind.He puts one of his hands in her panties. Mugger: Hey, pretty lady. - (He licks her neck and then his fingers that were previously in her panties as she moans with disgust) - You taste good. - (She let's out subtle "Oh" like she wants to say "For real dude?") He drags her to a nearby bush. Mugger: Hey, what the...!? -(She roars)- Suddenly the bush starts to shake (would be great if the Mugger's legs would emerge from the bush like in the original scene).Mugger struggles to bear the pain and after few seconds he is completely devoured by Vanessa. Vanessa: Yeah... You tasted good as well. -(In a seductive way)- She comes out of the bush with pushed out belly loudly licking her fingers and stops in front of the catalog. We see a closeup of the photo from the catalog.Then we see a pan up from her belly to her face while she's tapping her fingers.She comes back to the bush to puke out the mugger and comes out carrying his jacket and boots.We see her from behind as she is walking deeper in to the park.

-Try to record it so it looks similar to the original scene.

-Make as little cuts as possible like in the original scene from the movie. (You can record some shots with camera standing in one place to cover the cuts and transitions)

-Add no music.

-Recreate the catalog photo.

- Heavy makeup with red lipstick and red lingerie with red coat from "Bad morning breath fucking and cuckolding""

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii. 3rd person footage. MP4. Custom clip, no names mentioned. Includes both the custom version (similar to original scene) and the extended version with more focus on Vanessa's belly and burping. Reupload due to c4s policy.

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