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Tanya Danielles Deviant Downloads
Tanya Danielles Deviant Downloads
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Goldie in the Dollhouse - Take 3

5/17/22 7:59 PM5 min37 MBwmv480p
Price11.49 EUR
CategoryReal Doll


Goldie Blair is tired after a long day at a convention. She returns to her hotel room only to find a puzzling note taped to one of the lamps. It reads: "GOLDIE, WELCOME TO THE DOLL HOUSE." Goldie stares at it for a moment, shakes her head, and tosses it on the desk. Right then she notices an odd smell. She looks around and sniffs the air -- it smells funny, like plastic. After failing to determine the source of the smell she grabs a bottle of water and tries to drink some of it. Oddly, the liquid in the bottle does not move. She sets it down with disgust and reaches for the phone so she can call hotel management about the strange aspects of her room. It turns out that the phone is merely a plastic toy version of a real phone. Believing that she must be really overtired and merely imagining all this strangeness Goldie decides to relax and watch some television. She tries to turn it on. It doesn't work -it is plastic. At this juncture she notices that her arms and legs feel odd. "What's -- what's happening to me -- my body is -- tingling!" she cries out. As she talks her fingers fuse together, all of a sudden she can't bend, her elbows lock so that her arms are frozen at 45 degree angles, and her knees lock so that her legs are frozen stick-straight. Soon she can move nothing except her mouth and she manages to say: "What's happening to me -- I can't -- I can't move -- I'm -- I'm -- tuuurning -- innnto --- a ---- a------- dooooooooooooll." Then a ludicrously wide smile slowly creeps onto her face and freezes into place very, very wide. Her final movements occur when she blinks furiously until at last her eyes snap wide open and freeze that way forever.. 

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