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Tanya Danielles Deviant Downloads
Tanya Danielles Deviant Downloads
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Eternal Barbie

12/21/11 10:18 PM11 min81 MBwmv480p
Price16.99 EUR


Fluffy white towel falls to floor when Biff orders Tanya to drop it. She stands naked before him, twirls to display womanly assets, caresses breast, reaches for vagina. Relishing the show, Biff makes progressively explicit demands. Echoes of exquisite agony bounce off bedroom walls. Tanya can control function of mouth, eyes, brain, but nothing beneath shivering neck. Biff laughs cruelly. "I spiked your shower gel with magic elixir." he says slowly, making sure the words sink into her soul. "Now I control your body. Soon your flesh will morph into a plastic shell, turning you into my own eternally blonde, beautiful Barbie Doll." (Tanya Danielle stars in "Eternal Barbie", a robot/freeze fantasy featuring audible villain, striptease, masturbation, mind control, and female training.)

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