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Long Toes in Term Casts
Long Toes in Term Casts
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Zuzu Term SLWC A Gimp in The Park with Very Exposed Toes with Foot Play (in HD 1920X1080)

10/27/18 6:04 AM20 min1299 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR


It's summer and if she is going to be in a cast for most of it Zuzu wants to ventilate her toes so she asks for a cast to expose them a bit more. Unfortunately that solves one problem but creates another. With her foot more exposed she needs to protect her naked toes because they are more vulnerable. This means she has to gimp with her cast foot almost at a right angle with her good foot to keep from stubbing them and she has a harder time on gravelly paths as you will see. When she rests to rub her aching cast foot in the park or to prop it up above her her head you can see her poor little piggies are even a but swollen. She has drawn a small impermanent "tattoo" on her big toe to make it cuter if people are going to check out her strange gait and cute toes anyway. Check her out as well as the closeup sole and top foot shots as she gimps in the park, shows off her cats foot resting and generally tries to make believe the people who she passes in the park are not staring at her naked foot! 

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