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Long Toes in Term Casts
Long Toes in Term Casts
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Emma Term Term SLWC w/ Toe Spica Crutching Around and Dodging Puddles with Plastered Big Toe Bunion

11/6/18 4:15 AM15 min658 MBmp4720p
Price14.99 EUR
CategoryCast Fetish


Emma's big toe bunion is so bad she can no longer put on a shoe, but she is afraid of an operation so the doctor puts her bad foot in plaster, protecting her big toe and giving her a cast heel so she can walk on it. But her toe is so painful she still needs crutches to get around on her bad foot and wonders if just having a bare foot would have been a better option -- too late now! She's stuck in this uncomfortable plaster shoe for the foreseeable future. Her other toes remain exposed and her second long toe rubs up against her plastered big toe, irritating it whenever she wiggles them, which is often to warm them against the cold. After a late fall rain she finds herself dodging huge puddles to protect her exposed toes. Dragging the crutches around is a drag but she really needs them to get around especially getting up and down stairs as she crutches around the city with her friend and folks check out her mismatched odd footwear. Occasionally she must also prop her bad foot up to rest it and get some relief. Multiple nice closeups on this one.

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