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2 Office ladies in older sporting car - a beside event

12/26/21 2:54 PM11 min299 MBmpg720p
Price12.49 EUR


It happens again and again that troubled women's feet are only too happy to be claimed and want to move into flatter shoes after a stressful everyday office life. Since this is hardly possible during everyday office life, it would actually be the right time to do this in the car after the end of the day at the latest. So many s strained Souls do this too. Understandable! But many do not, because the walk from the office down to the car alone gives even strained feet a proper change of position and strengthens the leg muscles again. No matter whether young, or the more mature generation of women. Often enough, after leaving the workplace, this teasing evil is overlooked when reaching the car driver's seat and the stylishly horny strenuous parts remain on the mostly nylon-stockinged feet. Just why? Out of laziness, vanity ... or even sheer convenience !? Oh, we think you'd have to ask a lot of women why. We think that they often look just too good to be missed when driving a car, or that they often just want to be the feminine nasty. After all, they are not directly forbidden while driving and there are many women of all ages around the world who now drive almost perfectly in such high sexy stilettos, how different types of pedals can use them perfectly and safely than many male counterparts with his rather sometimes unkempt, stretched mountain pines. No wonder, then, when many a traffic officer turns a delighted eye at a traffic control with a very mischievous smile. Especially when that person happens to look at this wonderful scenery from the side view to be checked. =))) ... we have already seen everything ourselves on the various shoots. No offense. =)) … The connoisseurs and the fans here won't care more or less, the main thing is that they have fun. And he has it here. Night after night, when women's legs in nylon stockings wriggle playfully, how sensitively bobbing with their sometimes damn high, thin stiletto heels powerfully, how skillfully pedaling and, as here, you are also lucky enough to be next to that pedal pumping fairy secretary on the Sitting in the passenger seat to allow a covert view of the wild high-heeled nylon legs in the nightly darkness.

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