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Valora Fetish
Valora Fetish
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Revenge of Ra

3/6/22 12:05 AM10 min738 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR


As Pharaoh, your job was simple: conquer worlds and give tribute to the Gods. The Gods are starved and mocked by your selfishness in encouraging your people to give praise to you instead of the Gods who placed you as Pharaoh. You are visited by the sun God, Ra (Valora) in your palace and you know this can't be good.

She's has enough of your selfish leadership of her people and the ways you've lied to her people in building monuments to her depicting her as a man. She made you into a Pharaoh and she can make you disappear just as you've made her disappear.  Ra is going to extract your soul from your mortal cock. Once your liquid power has been extracted, you'll turn to sand, blowing off into the afterworld to become Ra's bedpan for all eternity. Let be known that you should never mock the Gods.


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