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Valora Fetish
Valora Fetish
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May Cause Shrinkage

2/27/22 12:05 AM8 min638 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR


You're an older man who's been dating his sugarbaby, Valora. You've been having some performance issues in bed recently so you ordered some boner pills off of the internet. Valora comes in the living room with a glass of water, excited to try the pills. Although she wasn't expecting you to be so cheap and buy them from Ali Baba. 

She gives you the pill and as it's digesting in your body, Valora starts to read the ingredients out loud. As she reads, you begin to grow smaller and smaller. As you shrink to the floor, your sugarbaby reads the warning on the label that this pill may cause shrinkage. Valora looks to where you were but doesn't see you. Suddenly, she shrieks as she sees you shrunken on the ground!

Valora tries to figure out what to do but the only location for treatment that the company lists is in China. As she thinks about her options to help, Valora starts to get creeped out. She has a fear of small, crawling things and you're reminding her of a bug. Her instincts kick in and she tries to step on you. You now know that you have to get away from her.

Your running only makes it worse. Valora tries to remind herself that you're not a bug but her fears cloud her judgement. She chases you around the living room and tries stomping on you. You escape in time for her to consider putting you in the glass and setting you outside but you don't comply and Valora begins to rationalize squishing you. 

Her big sneaker comes down over you over and over until your little lifeless body gets stuck in one of the ridges beneath. She looks at your squished body and cringes as she goes to wipe you off of her shoe.


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