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Spartan Women’s Productions
Spartan Women’s Productions
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Constance vs Andi Vicious Frenemies Extended Version

10/30/23 1:20 AM20 min3012 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR
Related CategoriesFantasy Wrestling


Two friends Constance and Andi are pitted against each other in an oil wrestling match where friendship and formalities are put aside as each are in the way of one another's victory. Constance at 5'0 105 I determined to chop Andi down to size who comes in at 5'9 and 150 pounds of lean muscle. Both women transition constantly into dominant positions until one outlasts her weakened flailing opponent and renders her to an oily mess on the mat in this slippery affair. There is plenty hot moments of face sitting, smothering, pins and more as these two hot models wrestle body to body til exhaustion

After what one woman thought was a battle she’d won fair and square her opponent attacks her from behind to get a little payback using submission holds and tickling tactics. Leaning one lesson. Never turn your back on an opponent no matter how beaten you think they may be.

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