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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Muscular giantess unaware workout crush - Lalo Cortez & Vanessa

4/13/23 12:10 PM7 min1122 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR


Vanessa’s house has become a bit too messy with the hoards of little people she brings home. She enjoys being their Goddess, receiving their attention and making them her slaves.

However, Lalo, her roommate, is thinking of getting an exterminator to get rid of them so she’s very worried. She needs to get her mind off the situation and what better way to do so than doing one of her quick workouts!

The video starts with Vanessa stretching her big muscles to warm them up. Little people watch her as she does it.

Once she’s finished, she goes directly to do perform some sitting squats - Her form is perfect! There is one little person watching her from the couch… she doesn’t notice and the little man isn’t quick enough to escape her ass crushing him over and over again… His little limbs all smashed by Vanessa’s huge, heavy glutes and sweaty ass. All of the sudden she switches from sitting squats to jumping squats after removing her shorts! Poor little man can’t escape his fate. He’s smashed by her ass and red lace underwear repeatedly… 

She then moves up to do some bicep curls - Vanessa loves having a toned upper body so that everyone knows that she can knock anyone down. What she doesn’t notice, is that one of her little people roll down her arm as she grabs the weight and gets smashed by her huge bicep!

She then stops and moves onto some more cardio: jumping jacks are her favorite to increase her heart rate! Little people watch her as she does it.

Last but not least, she goes straight into some lunges - she knows how important they are to grow her quads! Unfortunately for yet another tiny person hanging out on the carpet, her gigantic foot steps forward, bare soles up in the air, and crushes him alive.

At the end, Vanessa’s muscles grew but she’s left with fewer little people to worship her… I can’t imagine how she’ll feel when she finds out… 

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii and an iPhone 12. 1st and 3rd person footage. MP4.

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